Archive for the ‘Kindness’ Category

Homeless Kindness

Friday, June 15th, 2018


It was wonderful to be a part of feeding the homeless in Cleveland today. Great food, free haircuts, doctor check ups, social services, and even flowers on the tables added to this community event. Having the Kindness Bus on site was “a nice touch.”

Thursday, June 14th, 2018


Ten Years

Wednesday, June 13th, 2018


One month from today, July 13th, is the 10th anniversary of the End of Watch of Twinsburg K9 Officer Josh Miktarian.
I will once again ride in his honor for 10 hours through the city of Twinsburg. The ride will begin at 10 AM and end at 8 PM. Please support Josh, his family and fellow officers by visiting his memorial at the corner of Ravenna Road and Officer Joshua T. Miktarian Memorial Parkway from 8 PM until 10 PM to light a candle, spend a moment of silence and say a few prayers. My bike will have a similar look from last year’s ride, pictured.

Pastor Barry

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018


Thank you Pastor Barry for the invitation to help with his event, “Homeless but Human Feed the Homeless” He is doing great work in the city of Cleveland.


Monday, June 11th, 2018


When you’ve been on the R.O.C.K. (Ring Our Country with Kindness) ride for the past 16 months you just have to visit the ROCK Hall when you have the chance.



Look for the Sunshine

Saturday, June 9th, 2018


On a gloriously gray day in Lakewood, Ohio, sometimes all that it takes are three words to make it seem as if the sun is shining fully.



Friday, June 8th, 2018


I had the joy of meeting these two fathers from Lakewood, Ohio on this Father’s Day. Jeff and his son Anders and Cody who told me of his his son Caden, a beautiful angel with Down Syndrome. What a blessing it is for these children to have these two loving men in their lives. Happy Father’s Day.