1,000 Mother Teresas

December 30th, 2009

0820091007              My son Peter and I were talking this past summer about One Million Acts Of Kindness and the good I was hoping that would come from it. We talked about how I was going to try to convince people to achieve a personal goal of one million acts of kindness in their lives. A goal, which I believe, can have powerful positive changes. At the end of our conversation, Peter challenged me with the question, “I get it dad, but what’s the ultimate goal”? I replied, “Each individual performing one million acts of kindness”. He said “Yeah, but what’s the ultimate goal”? I was somewhat perplexed but told him I would have to get back to him with an answer. What could possibly be more of an ultimate goal, than a person performing one million acts of kindness in one’s life, I asked myself. Over the course of the next few days it came to me, I called to tell him of my answer. I told him “With an individual embracing such a prodigious goal, my wish was that one person would choose to dedicate their life to a charity of humanitarian aid like Mother Teresa”. As I spoke those words, the thought came to me that that was not a big enough goal. I continued on, “No, I hope that one-thousand Mother Teresas are created”. 

**The Kindness Bus Tour resumes its daily journey and blog on January 6th 2010

7 Responses to “1,000 Mother Teresas”

  1. L.O.V.E. It Forward Online!

    Learn your purpose
    Organize your passion
    Volunteer your gift
    Engage your mission

    So far we have 1,419 on our way to One Million http://www.aunitedworld.org/movement.asp

  2. You will see more than 1,000 Mother Teresa’s on the A United World website http://www.aunitedworld.org – Pass It Forward

  3. Let Kindness Rock The World In Every Neighborhood!

    I welcome your comments.

  4. Hello! I just wanted to say that I really like your post.

  5. Roger Boggs says:

    Are you coming to Phoenix/Scottsdale? We would love to have you stop by Goshin Karate & Judo Academy… Are students are doing Acts of Kindness every day

  6. Great article, thanks for sharing and I’ve boomarked this page.