Kindness is Prayer

December 27th, 2017


“Every kind act is a prayer” ~ Mother Teresa
I always have loved this quote by Mother Teresa. I believe it, and more. A prayer, simply put, is asking for something good to happen, a wish if you will, a solemn wish. A kind act is putting that wish into action; accomplishing what was prayed for through your actions for others. Kindness is belief and faith in action, embodied by prayer. Every time you perform a kind act, it fulfills someone’s need, someone’s wish, someone’s prayer. Having someone’s prayer answered because of your kind actions is the power behind prayer. A kind act is a prayer and a prayer is a kind act. To me, a kind act is as powerful as a prayer because a kind act takes physical action and a prayer takes spiritual strength. Kind acts aren’t typically viewed as being prayers and that is the beautiful thing about kindness, no one can take it away from us. We can pray through our actions anytime we want, anywhere we want and in any form of expression we’ve been taught.
Prayer hasn’t been taken from our schools, it is there in it’s physical form. We can do it in public buildings, in schools and no one can stop us. Pray all you want through your kind acts. Be the example you were meant to be to everyone. Do it especially in schools where it is needed the most. Kind acts are the most important actions in everyone’s lives, every moment of every day.
***This second of five blogs was posted six years ago. The series had such interest, that I have decided to post them again.


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