Two Parent’s Views

October 24th, 2012
10-24-12Princeton was such a welcoming city yesterday, I decided to spend an extra day and talk with as many residents and also students from the university. It was the right move as everyone seems to want to strike up a friendly conversation. So many of the connections I make turn out to be people who want to tell me how bullying or suicide has affected them or a loved one. “I’m going through this right now,” the father said to me. “One of my colleagues has one of your sheets and I wanted to see what this is all about.” He is working with the school to stay involved on a daily basis.
“What you are doing is so important,” were the words spoken by a mother. “I have two daughters who were bullied,” she added. I encouraged her to get involved to help others who are going through what she and her daughters had endured.

A very nice piece was written about One Million Acts Of Kindness by Jean Bonchack a reporter for The News-Herald in Geauga County, Ohio. The link is below:

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