Spring Kindness

March 18th, 2012
My friend, Spring Hope, has coined the term “Spring Kindness” to help spread the word of One Million Acts Of Kindness to the world. There are two more days until “Spring Kindness.” Please copy, paste and send the following, to all of your family, friends, neighbors and associates.

One Million Acts Of Kindness is a lifetime goal for each child. Our Kindness Certificates are having a huge impact on children’s lives. These free certificates can be found on the upper left hand corner of thewww.onemillionactsofkindness.org

website. Every child should have one of these hanging on their bedroom wall. Every classroom should have one.
Please look at these and pass this on to everyone in your organization. Having a lifetime goal of kindness is one of the greatest goals a child can have. The direct link to the Kindness Certificate is below.


The Kindness Certificates are for everyone!!
Kindness always prevails!!
Thank you,

Bob Votruba
One Million Acts Of Kindness

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