Taking time out from a very busy work load, Judge Burton met with me and RAVEN Executive Director, Janeen McGee to discuss how better to raise awareness about Domestic Violence. Judge Burton created the St. Louis Domestic Violence Court to increase safety for victims and their children and increase accountability for offenders. The judges in this court have an interest in and understanding of domestic violence issues. Judge Burton has been helping children in and around St. Louis and has started programs in this area for their goodwill. He is a hero in the Domestic Violence field for protecting children and has even served as an adjunct instructor of judges for the National Institute on Domestic Violence. Judge Burton has earned the respect of the community and of his peers for all the important work he has done, he is the “gold standard.”
This evening I was invited by Executive Director, Janeen McGee to help with the RAVEN men’s group. The group attends class to learn alternatives to violence. I was asked to be an instructor of kindness, helping to show how, always leading with a kind heart can defuse a potential conflict long before it starts. The men seemed to appreciate having a guest show another alternative to violence; an individual lifetime goal of kindness. Janeen printed Kindness Certificates and Parent Vows for the men to take home to their loved ones. Thank you very much Janeen. Today’s photo is of a drawing which is hung in the waiting area, just outside of Judge Burton’s chambers. The drawing says it all.