This is the most important time of year for One Million Acts Of Kindness. We are in the home stretch of a calling and emailing campaign to get as many groups to sign up for One Million Acts Of Kindness Week. The goal of two thousand groups participating this year is sure to be met. The global reach to other countries is beyond anything I had ever expected. I now have commitments from people in nearly twenty countries. I am ecstatic to say the least.
Today, I decided to concentrate on the Department of Education, nationally and state by state. I also started calling and emailing state PTAs. The response accelerated when I decided to call before emailing. As has been the case for the past 2 years, talking with parents, educators, counselors, administrators, principals and the students, the response today was identical when I talked with these dedicated individuals; there is such a thirst for a return to values in this country. Kindness is at the center of these values. I believe with my heart that a lifetime goal of kindness for each child will get us back on the road to moral value recovery. I believe in this enough to travel on a eighty-four sq ft bus with a dog for ten years.
I decided to reach for the stars this morning so I placed a call to the United States Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, I didn’t reach the Secretary but caught a sympathetic ear when I told his assistant about how a lifetime goal of kindness will have a huge impact on bullying and cyber-bullying in our nation’s schools. The word of this movement is starting to spread in some very powerful ways.