The Community Boy’s and Girl’s club in Wilmington, NC is a place for kids to come after school for recreation and after school work. Two hundred children with a staff of individuals who keep the place running like clockwork. The need is incredible, but somehow things get accomplished. I was told by the director yesterday, as I was dropping off some stickers and Kindness Certificates, that “they sure needed an act of kindness.” I asked what he meant specifically, and he took me outside to the “kindness compound.” The property outdoors has a baseball field being completely replaced. Near the field are a few structures which need cosmetic attention. I arrived this morning with kindness in my heart and a paintbrush in my hand. Looking around, I thought to myself that it could take days to accomplish all of his wish list. I worked until mid-afternoon and visited two schools nearby to tell them of One Million Acts Of Kindness.
Today was a very big day of emails and phone calls. There are also some wonderful things in the works for the upcoming summer of 2011. You will be the first to know when the plans are confirmed; they may be confirmed by the end of the month.