New York City is such a perfect place for this movement. Travelers from every country come here during the summer months. One common thread connects all of them; a want for peace. Peace in their lives, peace in their families, peace in their neighborhoods and towns, which can spread across every imaginable boundary. I’ve talked with people from over 40 countries, each of them love the mission of One Million Acts Of Kindness. The seeds of kind actions, are literally drifting across the globe to take root where they set down. Growing kindness in this manner, one person or small group at a time, but by the thousands per week, will create a global garden of kindness.
Today, a young woman in her early twenties, who lives on the Upper West Side met me and came back a half hour later with her teenage brother so he could talk with me about having a goal of One Million Acts Of Kindness in his life. They are starting a garden of kindness, right in their own backyard.