Looking at the map of my new route traveling south from UT, I realized my travels to Eckerd College took me right past the Florida Holocaust Museum. I planned on a two hour visit, I ended up staying six. I was amazed at how one person, or a small group of people, could incite others to spread a message of hate and intolerance aimed at groups of so called “undesirables”. If this is the case, then certainly the opposite must be true. We can start a Kindness Movement and spread it to others across the globe and help to eliminate hatred in our society or choose to do nothing, and allow hatred to be with us for a very long time. I could write thousands of words about this, but the solution really is that simple. Please get on board this Kindness Movement, your kindness towards others is needed.My stay at Eckerd College was the shortest visit at any campus thus far. Beyond belief however, I talked with a student who is writing about what I talked of above. This amazes me.
The photos of ceramic tiles are a part of a several hundred tile montage on display at the museum.