Archive for April, 2018

Pampering Bogart

Thursday, April 12th, 2018


Yesterday was National Pet Day.  Bogart got to do whatever he wanted yesterday. But then, that is the case every day. As it should be!


Treating Bipolar

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018


Great job David for addressing bipolar in your life. He said “the hardest part was being a stranger in my body.” You aren’t going to meet many nicer individuals than David.

Dan Is the Man

Tuesday, April 10th, 2018


Thank you to Dan for the very kind words about the Kindness Bus. “Hey Bob thanks for doing what you do keep on doing it you’re making a difference.”

April Day of Prayer

Monday, April 9th, 2018


Every Monday is my weekly day of prayer. On Mondays, in the month of April, I will spend the day praying for the following intentions. If you have any personal intentions please let me know and I will be at corporate them into my prayer day. Please email them to me at: [email protected]
April 2nd – For the safety of children
April 9th – For those with hurt in their hearts
April 16th – For the sick
April 23rd – For those with addictions
April 30th – To put an end to human trafficking

Keep Spreading Kindness

Sunday, April 8th, 2018


Thank you to sisters Katie and Gena for running over to the Kindness Bus to talk to me this morning. They remembered our kindness programs at Everglades City School and to keep spreading kindness. Of course one of the first questions they asked me was “Where is Bogart?”


How Many Can You Do?

Saturday, April 7th, 2018


How many acts of kindness do you think you can do in one day? 10?  25?  50?
Three weeks from yesterday is one of my favorite days of the year. One Million Acts of Kindness Day!! This event always takes place on April 27th. This incredible event challenges you to do as many acts of kindness as you possibly can during the course of the day. Have fun being kind on this day.

Here, There and Everywhere

Friday, April 6th, 2018


I love seeing people in different cities across the United States. These two members of the Wells family, I have seen in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, Kennebunkport, Maine and now Naples, Florida. What a great way to spread kindness around our country.