Archive for December, 2017

Day of Prayer

Sunday, December 10th, 2017


On my weekly Day of Prayer today, I will pray for the children of the world. May the beauty of their innocence guide them to be caring, loving, and kind throughout their lives. Won’t you pray along with me. #DayOfPrayer #PrayerDay #Prayer #EveryActOfKindnessIsAPrayer #Kindness #OneMillionActsOfKindness

Autism Walk

Saturday, December 9th, 2017


What a great crowd at the autism speaks walk in North Naples this morning. #AutismSpeaks  #OneMillionActsOfKindness #NaplesFlorida

Coffee with a Cop

Friday, December 8th, 2017


Great morning with the Naples Police Department. I loved hearing about all of the children’s programs they are involved with in the community. #NaplesPoliceDepartment #CoffeeWithACop #Kindness


Pearl Harbor

Thursday, December 7th, 2017


Great memories of honoring World War II and Korean War veterans when I visited all eight veterans nursing homes in the state of Florida on my perimeter ride of the state. In your prayers on this National Remembrance Day of Pearl Harbor please pray for these veterans.

Looking Up To a Role Model

Wednesday, December 6th, 2017


Great to see friend and photographer extraordinaire, Glenn Christopher and his son Cam. Bogart was resting so I sent Cam on his way with one of Bogart’s books and a smile on his face.

What a Good Big Brother

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017


“Keep riding the good ride” said RJ who has two brothers with Aspergers. RJ was so generous with his compliments. “You are doing good things with your Bicycle” was just one of his comments.

Praying for an Angel

Monday, December 4th, 2017


On today’s weekly Day of Prayer, I will pray for 3 year old Mariah Woods. I encourage all of you to pray for her as well. May she be embraced in the comforting arms of God, Amen.