Archive for December, 2017

Santa Run in Naples Manor

Sunday, December 17th, 2017


Fun, fun, fun at the Santa run in Naples Manor. I think every child walked away with a pound of candy and a Christmas wish from Santa.



Saturday, December 16th, 2017


What a great meeting with the Kiwanis of East Naples. I talked to their group in February before I left on the Ring Our Country with Kindness tour for those with special needs and today I gave a detailed talk of some of the stories during my travels.
Everyone was all ears on me and they were all eyes on Bogart.

Helping Children

Friday, December 15th, 2017

12-15Jenna from O’Connell Behavioral Services in Naples is a very big supporter of children with special needs. She loved seeing and learning about the reason for the Kindness Bicycle.

Prayers for Sandy Hook

Thursday, December 14th, 2017


Bogart is a Star…….Again !!

Wednesday, December 13th, 2017


Bogart was a huge hit in the Christmas parade in Naples last night! He just needs to learn to watch the road when he’s driving. #ChristmasParade #NaplesFlorida #Kindness #ILoveBogart #OneMillionActsOfKindness

The Fifth Annual Celebration

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017


Thrilled! Collier County Commissioners have proclaimed this week of kindness once again. #CollierCounty #NaplesFlorida #Kindness #OneMillionActsOfKindness


Great Email !

Monday, December 11th, 2017


When the superintendent of the Collier County schools send you an email like this one, you know you can’t have a better start to a week!

Hi Bob, you know, I am so blessed to know you personally and can’t thank you enough for all you have done for our CCPS students but also students across the US!

You are truly a special man and the video is only a small testament to the incredible work you do!

Thanks for sharing with me!

Kamela Patton, Ph.D.
Collier County Public Schools