Archive for June, 2017

Hot Off the Presses

Friday, June 23rd, 2017


Thank you to a Joan Demirjian from the Chagrin Valley Times for this well written article about our visit to Northeast, Ohio. I finally had the opportunity to see the article and was thrilled at the buzz it has created!

Rescue Village

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017


Our evening talk at Rescue Village in Geauga County was so much fun. It was a day filled with kindness programs, talking with the campers and then with staff, volunteers and the general public.


Day Campers

Wednesday, June 21st, 2017


Thank you to the Geauga Humane Society’s Rescue Village for the invitation to come and talk with their summer camp group. This group was all about being kind, especially when it comes to animals. Bogart was in his glory.

For a Great Cause

Tuesday, June 20th, 2017


It’s been eight years since I’ve seen Scott. At that time I gave him an assortment of a couple hundred of our stickers. The thought was to use any donations he received to do something good for someone. He just told me that one of his friends mother passed away and he had no funds to get to her in California. Thank you Scott for using the donations to help your friend. I just gave him another big stack of stickers.

Family Genes

Monday, June 19th, 2017


Having one nephew with autism and another with Down syndrome, Cearia was thrilled to see the Kindness Bicycle and the reason for the ride. #DownSyndrome #Autism #ADNPKids #Bipolar #Aspergers #Cerebralpalsy #Addictions #Depression #Bullying #ADHD #Addictions #Bostonterrier #Kindness #RingOurCountryWithKindness #OneMillionActsOfKindness


Dad’s Day

Sunday, June 18th, 2017


One of my favorite days of year…Father’s Day.
I am blessed with such abundance. #Fathersday #Kindness

We’re in Good Hands

Saturday, June 17th, 2017


Receiving many letters similar to this from a 13-year-old student, I realize that the world is being left in kind, caring hands. #Kindness #KindnessBus #OneMillionActsOfKindness #KindnessRocks