Beautiful Blue Bird of Kindness

June 20th, 2014


This is an email I received. I feel I need to share it:
Bob—I was overcome with emotion by simply seeing the Bluebird of Kindness parked at St. Francis, for obvious reasons. As a Gates Mills resident with three children at SFA, and as a someone that works for an organization ,(EDEN), down in the Ohio City neighborhood, that provides housing to chronically homeless battling severe and persistent disabilities, I cannot thank you enough for delivering your message kindness as THE one, true rule that we all need to follow, and for providing a tremendous source of hope to countless individuals that may feel that all hope is lost. You give ME hope for the future of humanity. (Blank faces at city/township trustee meetings suck the hope out of me.) As do the faces of the schoolchildren you speak to, and the adults you encounter. You take the time to truly be PRESENT to each person you meet. What a gift. I cannot thank you enough. My family and I shall be bothering you about ways to become involved. Soar on, Bluebird!!

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