The following was a response to a letter I received. My response was meant to inspire this individual. When we realize someone can benefit from our helping hand, wishing and wanting does much of nothing, it’s in the doing that does.
Yes, I agree! Thank you.
I need to update many parts of my website…I started on this mission 4 1/2 years ago because of the Virginia Tech tragedy 6 1/2 years ago, by visiting college campuses with the hopes I could visit younger classrooms. Within 6 months, I started getting invites. I now visit mostly pre-k through 12th grade.
The total number of schools that have “signed up” to make kindness a goal for the school year is now up to 23 schools which will eventually grow exponentially. It is a big undertaking for a school to incorporate this into their school day. I, as well as you believe all schools should embrace this initiative. Which brings me to the last part, the most important part of my email.
You obviously have a passion for this happening. I’m hoping you can change one word in your email. Change the word “should” to “could.”
You have the power to change kids lives by growing this program into schools. In a little over 4 weeks time, I have signed up these 23 schools. You can do this to!! I have the letter of introduction and a PDF of the flyer I send to schools that I can send to you. It just takes time at a computer. Every school that “signs up,” teaches hundreds of kids important core values they will take into adulthood.
Please take the time to consider this opportunity to volunteer for this initiative. Instead of wishing and wanting to change kids lives…you now have been shown that you have the opportunity of how to “do” something about it.
I’m hoping you do. I certainly could use a hand.
Thank you for your interest.
Bob Votruba, and of course, Bogart too