A champion for children, State of Texas Representative, Diane Patrick, a life-long educator, who authored the bullying bill protecting Texas school children, invited me to her office here in Austin.
The reason for my visit was two-fold. First and foremost I wanted to thank her for the due diligence to see this bullying bill through, to garner enough votes for its passage. The second reason was that, as a life-long educator, what knowledge could she impart to me, to help me with my mission going forward. The visit was invaluable.
Thank you to Representative Patrick and to her staff for helping to set up this meeting and for your interest in my mission.
The main points of the new Texas bullying law, are that it:
• Establishes a new bullying definition that includes bullying through electronic means;
• Integrates awareness, prevention, identification, and resolution of and intervention in bullying into the health curriculum;
• Provides local school boards with discretion to transfer a student found to have bullied to another classroom or to another campus in consultation with the parent or guardian; and
• Requires local school districts to adopt and implement a bullying policy that recognizes minimum guidelines, such as prohibition of bullying, providing counseling options, and establishing procedures for reporting an incidence of bullying.