What an honor it was to be the 1st guest on Monique Coleman’s GimmeMo TV program today. www.GimmeMo.com Live with a studio audience Bogart and I were first up to talk on set with Monique about One Million Acts Of Kindness’ mission and the upcoming Ring Our Country with Kindness (R.O.C.K.) ride around the perimeter of the United States.
Monique is a very caring woman, I met along with her husband, Walter, earlier this summer. They spent quite a bit of time talking with me at The Kindness Bus and then researched my history of traveling the country hoping to spread the message of a goal of kindness. I got the news about the interview a couple of weeks ago.
The most powerful question Monique asked was in regards to one of the signs on The Kindness Bicycle, it reads, Someone Needs You, Don’t End Your Life. I thought of only using only the first three words on the sign initially, but realized it wasn’t impactful enough, for a person who is actually considering suicide. To me, this gives the individual the pause to consider their actions if they were to actually follow through with their devastatingly hurtful plans.