3AM comes early when you turn in at midnight. In order to be on The Bill Bennett, Morning in America radio show at 6AM, I set my alarm just before 3. Being able to talk about my travels to a national audience is such a huge help to this mission. Thank you Seth. Yesterday was a full day with a ride in 2 separate communities and a 2 hour interview scheduled in between. The town of Newport Beach was crowded and I didn’t dare leave any possibity of losing out on some great conversation with interested individuals.
Don, the Photo Editor from The Daily Pilot told me to head down to the Newport Pier because the surfing community would love The Kindness Bus. Boy was he right. There was a complete outpouring of support for The Kindness Bus everywhere I traveled in the OC.
Today was all about getting miles in as I will work on a last minute push for One Million Acts Of Kindness Week, this will be the case for the next 3 days.