This day before Thanksgiving, volunteers came out in full force to the San Francisco Food Bank. The surprising fact was that it was primarily younger adults and school age kids. With school being out for the extended Thanksgiving weekend, that meant that these students are here of their own accord. I love this fact!! Lowell High School from the San Francisco area had two groups this morning. Interact, part of International Rotary and BuildOn volunteer clubs from Lowell boxed 32,000 pounds of oranges into manageable sized boxes, helping to reach over 400 food kitchens throughout the region.
This afternoon, nearly 800 assortment boxes for seniors were packed by the all girls Mercy School and the all boys Riordan School. I videoed the assembly line style of packing these boxes and posted it on YouTube on the new, not to be missed, TheBogartChannel.
During the course of the year, over forty-five million pounds of food is shipped from this facility, much of it is repackaged by volunteers such as these students.