Presidential Call to Service

November 22nd, 2011


“Ask not, what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Fifty years have passed since newly inaugurated, President John F. Kennedy spoke those words, calling every one of us to do our share of helping one another through service. These words are needed now, more than ever, in our own country, let alone the world. All of us, in our lifetimes, should give more than we take.
Today at the San Francisco Food Bank,  thousands of pounds of rice and pasta needed to be portioned to individual family size. The morning group was primarily Pacific Gas and Electric Customer Care employees and a regular Tuesday morning group, who has been volunteering for a few years. This group has forged lifelong friendships from first meeting at the SFFB and working together for these years. The afternoon group was made up of a couple dozen of individual volunteers and a small contingency from the local Asian community.
On this the 48th anniversary of President Kennedy’s death, make it a point to adopt his words into your everyday life.

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