Setting the tone for this morning’s visit to Blue Sky Bridge Child and Family Advocacy Center, a mom, Kristen, paced The Kindness Bicycle with her car as I labored up a small incline, she would have given The Kindness Bicycle a “standing o” if she could have. With her young son in the back seat and now stopped at a red light she verbally praised the message of the signs including the new addition which reads, “Respect for women is the greatest gift a father can show to a son.”
Greeted by Nia and Katie at the door to Blue Sky Bridge, we had just found our seats in a meeting room and started to discuss our missions. Sounds of jubilation echoed from the foyer where I had parked The Kindness Bicycle. Executive Director, Judy Toran Cousin was captivated by the sight and then expressed her thoughts about The Kindness Bicycle’s potential. This Advocacy Center is doing incredible work for the residents of Boulder County, Colorado. Children who are powerless to the actions of adults, are comforted and helped to start healing by these wonderful workers at this facility.
At meeting’s end, I was invited to The Blue Sky Bridge “Champion for Children” awards banquet next week. Of course I RSVPd with an affirmative.