Lorraine Moller trains trainers of elite olympic athletes. She is one of the founding members of the Lydiard Foundation. I met her in line at a local coffee shop during a break in my ride for the day. She was intrigued by The Kindness Bicycle and was wondering what I was doing in Boulder, Colorado.
She is a personal friend of Frank Shorter who settled I Boulder a couple of decades ago. Frank Shorter was the 1972 Olympic Gold Medal winner in the marathon in Munich, Germany.
Frank just went public with his early childhood life and the incredible abuse which took place to him and his siblings at the hands of their father. The October 2011 issue of Runner’s World is a must read of Frank’s story. It is an unbelievably moving and powerful recount of this family’s internal devastation.
Thank you Frank for going public and for helping the countless victims of Domestic Violence and Childhood Sexual Abuse by ending your decades of silence. It is for your bravery in going public that I dedicate this century ride on The Kindness Bicycle.