The art of a hand written thank you is gaining popularity again as the impersonal nature of internet email is just that. I am grateful for the kindness of strangers which seems to becoming more prevalent as time goes by on The Kindness Bus Tour. The list of those who have helped us during the 2 months we have spent in Florida is a long one. I have decided to rekindle my interest in the hand written thank you note. As I travel north for the next 2 weeks and during my 6 month Kindness Bicycle Tour from May 14th until mid-November, I will have plenty of opportunity to write hundreds of much deserved, hand written notes.
My favorite thank you cards are made by The artist even donates a portion of monies to the Flawless Foundation to help children in need. There are beautiful caring people everywhere I travel.
The Kindness Bicycle Tour begins in 5 weeks.