Keeping a goal as a constant mind-set affords a child the best possible chance of achieving the end result of that goal.
I paid a visit, this morning, to Willow School, a small private school in Vero Beach that I had visited last spring. This school is very involved in the day-to-day goals of it’s students and it shows. Arrangements are being made to talk with the students for a 2nd time as a “refresher” visit.
Nothing gives me more satisfaction than to hear an entire school I have visited on 2 occasions, it’s students, teachers and administrators are taking part in One Million Acts Of Kindness Week. Thank you Millridge in Mayfield Heights, Ohio.
Don’t forget to sign-up for the last few days of One Million Acts Of Kindness Week, I heard from Linda Smith, a Kindergarten teacher who signed-up her class for the last few days of the week, today.
Now is the time to book your school visit from The Kindness Bus Tour. There are several dates available from mid-March through mid-April and Bogart and I would love to come talk to your group. The contact information is in the right-hand column of the homepage.
Everyone you know should hear about One Million Acts Of Kindness. Use all the usual social networks or do it the old fashioned way; holler from the mountaintops to spread word of this important mission.
School Districts across the nation need to adopt One Million Acts Of Kindness for all of their students. Bullying doesn’t stand a chance in a school system where all of the students have a mind-set of continual kindness.
Students and adults alike today, have so many opportunities to research their passion for doing for others, whether that passion is in their own community or half-way around the world. Karen, the executive assistant at Saint Helens School, another school I visited today, said it best, “This is something that students need.”
Archive for February, 2011
Random Thoughts of Kindness
Friday, February 18th, 2011Locked Inside and Laying in Wait
Thursday, February 17th, 2011Leaving the comforts of one’s environs is hard to do when all you have known, is comfort, your entire life. I am one such person.
Once this journey began, we will begin our 3rd year this summer, I didn’t know what to expect, knowing I had only been out of my “comfort bubble” a few days in my entire life. I found out very quickly that you make due with what you have, no matter how few the possessions and how minimal the comfort. It took this huge change in my lifestyle to realize that all the comfort I would ever need was waiting to be discovered in what I could offer to others. I believe it is locked, laying in wait, in each and everyone of us.
Virginia Tech’s tragedy of nearly 4 years ago bothered me to the core. Bothered me in such a way where I said this time I am going to do something about it. It was my “tipping point” realization. It is then when I said, there is something very wrong, some core value not being taught and some very important lessons not being learned. It for me was, One Million Acts Of Kindness, locked inside and laying in wait.
Everyone should leave the comforts of their environs, if for just a little while, to see what they can offer to others. This is the reason I started One Million Acts Of Kindness. It is a goal which will hopefully lead you to your passion for doing something you never dreamed possible for someone or something in need. It is echoed on the side of The Kindness Bus where someone wrote so profoundly, “Give everything you possibly can to help others…and then give some more.”
Early Sign-up for Next Year
Wednesday, February 16th, 2011Every year, One Million Acts Of Kindness Week occurs. From this year forward, we will begin promoting the following year’s event for the entire 52 weeks. Next year’s week will take place beginning February 13th 2012. You will be able to sign up your group for next year starting sometime next week.
Meeting next year’s goal of 3,000 groups participating in One Million Acts Of Kindness Week should be a foregone conclusion with the growing interest in this mission. We are thankful to all who have helped to reach this year’s goal of 2,000 participants.
Being such a new grass-roots effort, I am still amazed at the interest of people that this movement is inspiring. The interest of “kids of all ages” in a goal of kindness has given rise to the thought that small groups of older individuals can work on a collective goal of kindness. An individual, no matter the age, can fast-track or have a smaller kindness goal, numerically.
Out and about today, on the streets of Vero Beach, while in The Kindness Bus, I was reminded of just how friendly this town was and is towards us. Many people remembered seeing us last spring and I talked with many people with familiar faces who will see us over the course of the next few years. Our extended stay last year had quite an impression, from the well-wishes I received.
During a pause from my work, I went to take Bogart for a walk from his rest in The Kindness Bus, I discovered a local couple named Scott and Paula who were thrilled at seeing such a sight. The kindness of strangers is the thought which comes to mind in describing this generous couple.
Yet again, late in the day, I found myself, this time, at the Holy Cross Church school group of children, where I was invited to pay a visit by one of the teachers. The Kindness Bus was the topic of conversation of students and teachers alike. Dennis, one of the caretakers of this beautiful property is all about helping to spread this message to the local community.
Senior Resource Association, Vero Beach, Florida
Tuesday, February 15th, 2011Yes, I am of the belief that one of the treasures we need to stay connected with are our seniors. Every opportunity to visit seniors which is offered to me is always looked forward to with enthusiasm, for there is a good bit of knowledge learned, today was no exception.
Outside of the Senior Center, even before entering, I had the pleasure of meeting Kelly de Long, the manager, who thought the message of One Million Acts Of Kindness would resonate with her group. Janice, the senior’s nutritionist, who took the time to pose with Bogart was equally enthused.
Upon meeting the group, who were busy playing cards, I had the chance to talk with individual small groups and tell them of One Million Acts Of Kindness Week and the goals which are being accomplished by persons taking part in this week’s endeavors; every senior expressed their approval.
Carpe Diem
Monday, February 14th, 2011The 2nd annual One Million Acts Of Kindness Week begins today. What better way to spread kindness than to start with one person, you.
A favorite quote of mine, Carpe Diem is one of the most profound statements to inspire the individual. Take inventory of who you are and what is possible for you to accomplish in your life and doing it this very moment. “Seize the Day,” the interpretation of Carpe Diem, stresses the urgency of the transformation of the individual, for tomorrow is guaranteed to no one.
Respect, one of the cornerstones of an individual’s characteristics is one of the transformational “seizes” we can embrace and live out the rest of our “days” as role models to everyone. With respect, comes nearly every other positive attribute.
A desire of mine for One Million Acts Of Kindness is that a transformational “seize” will spread to all cultures around the world, whether they be religious, political, racial or any other division we as mankind have created, and that only respect for all others grows from the seeds being sown by this mission.
Another Angel on the Kindness Bus Tour
Friday, February 11th, 2011The Kindness Bus Tour will begin it’s third year this coming summer. I couldn’t have picked a better time or a worse time to begin my journey. A better time, because of what I am finding to be true, is a want for more kindness in everyone’s lives, more now than ever, across the world. A worse time, because of all of the very best friends who have passed in this very short time, 5 of some of the closest friends one can have.
Chuck came into my life nearly twenty five years ago. He entered my life how he entered everyone else’s life, you felt you had known him your entire life after the first minute of conversation. “I feel like we should become life-long friends” were the very first words he spoke to me as I dipped my infant son Alex’s feet into a pool at a club we had both just joined. That is the way Chuck was, he led his life acting upon on the words he spoke. One could always count on him for support as a friend and a business mentor. He was passionate about everything that was important in his life and he shared all of that passion with everyone. He was such an important part of my life as I looked to him as a compass for matters needing his guidance. He was one million acts of kindness in action in his life with family, friends and even strangers. He was one of the biggest cheerleaders of this mission and was always one I could turn to on a particularly challenging day.
I will carry Chuck’s “moral compass” with me as I continue on this mission. I now have the power of 5 new angels offering protection and guidance as The Kindness Bus’ mission hopes kindness becomes your “life-long friend.”
Expect Respect
Tuesday, February 8th, 2011The photo in today’s blog is a flyer from a presentation by a group of high school students named “Expect Respect,” from the Jewish Family Services Association. This presentation was the perfect opportunity for a parent to bring their children to learn about one of the most important issues a teen faces, dating abuse and violence. I don’t think I have ever been more impressed with a group of high schoolers, than I was tonight. Wow!
The statistics of relationship abuse are staggering, to say the least. When a young adult is abused by a partner, oft times the person will “go underground” with their feelings, telling no one about the abuse. Most times even the friends of the victim won’t tell authorities until it is too late. This abuse is bullying on a private level. Bullying, to gain “control,” and coerce the victim to do what the perpetrator wants. Telltale signs of abuse to look for, were shown to help friends and family realize when a victim intervention needs to take place.
Many students this evening, had heard about One Million Acts Of Kindness and thought it would be a way to combat, well in advance, dating abuse and violence.