When you can take the time to look inside yourself at what unlimited potential you have, a new you can emerge. You may be the type of individual who can quiet your mind in a matter of moments or you may be the type of individual who needs to change your surroundings to affect change within. Being honest with yourself can allow you, to know you. We all have something to offer to others, no matter who we are. Offering of your time or money to others in need, can begin the process of the transformation you are in search of.
We can all learn from a four year old girl with cancer, who decides to spend her remaining four years to raise money for pediatric cancer research by having a lemonade stand. We too can learn from a ninety-two year old man who has had diabetes for sixty-five years and still has the energy to build a camp for children with diabetes and blog on his website as well.
What is in you? I’m betting something pretty darn fantastic. Take the time to find out.