Started as a community effort to save neighboring houses from becoming part of a university campus, this annual fair has relied on local volunteers to keep it running for over forty years. It is an effort which raises funds to keep an awareness of protecting this small neighborhood from becoming another parking garage or campus building. In all cities, pockets of community exist as only one block at times. It is always a group of citizens who work together as a community to accomplish their goal. The Hessler Street Fair committee has been accomplishing the impossible longer than most other efforts remain viable.
Last year, Bogart and I used this fair as a test case, to promote One Million Acts Of Kindness. The response was unanimous; this mission was wanted and needed. Being back in Cleveland, I seized the opportunity to help set up some of the displays and take part in the weekend fair. I was able to talk with over 2,000 people during the course of the event and scheduled two visits to area schools in the upcoming months. A big thanks to all who made my visit possible and a tip of the hat to the local police force.