Fort Pierce, Florida is home to this museum honoring the branch of the Navy, of brave men, who protect our freedoms. I visited out of respect to those who have given their lives in the line of duty. They gave of their lives protecting our freedoms so all of us are able to live the lives we lead in this great country of ours.
I was met at the entrance by a very enthusiastic Suzi Howard, the museum’s Education Coordinator, wanting to know all about our visit and The Kindness Bus Tour. She helped by getting me great literature on the background of the museum, gaining free access and helping to pose Bogart by the Naked Warrior. He gets his name because the UDTs were quite defenseless in the water without very much protection. The grounds outside the museum are home to various transport vehicles used by SEALs. A beautiful memorial is under construction on a grassy area, honoring the fallen heroes. A very fitting tribute.
The museum’s interior tells the history of this special force and the arduous training involved in becoming a SEAL. The early UDTs; Underwater Demolition Teams, worked to create safe passage of amphibious vehicles carrying men to shore. In the early 1960s the SEALs were formed, ready to take on any threat whether on SEa, Air or Land. Two movies shown in the museum, give a real life depiction of these modern day men. This museum has unbelievable life-like displays. I was very impressed.
I was afforded the opportunity to talk with Capt. (SEAL) Michael R. Howard, USN (Ret), the Executive Director of the museum. I told him the honor it was and thanked him, letting him know that because of what the SEALs have done and continue to do, that we are all able to live the lives we lead. I left the museum with a renewed pride in being an American.