My son Peter and I were talking this past summer about One Million Acts Of Kindness and the good I was hoping that would come from it. We talked about how I was going to try to convince people to achieve a personal goal of one million acts of kindness in their lives. A goal, which I believe, can have powerful positive changes. At the end of our conversation, Peter challenged me with the question, “I get it dad, but what’s the ultimate goal”? I replied, “Each individual performing one million acts of kindness”. He said “Yeah, but what’s the ultimate goal”? I was somewhat perplexed but told him I would have to get back to him with an answer. What could possibly be more of an ultimate goal, than a person performing one million acts of kindness in one’s life, I asked myself. Over the course of the next few days it came to me, I called to tell him of my answer. I told him “With an individual embracing such a prodigious goal, my wish was that one person would choose to dedicate their life to a charity of humanitarian aid like Mother Teresa”. As I spoke those words, the thought came to me that that was not a big enough goal. I continued on, “No, I hope that one-thousand Mother Teresas are created”.
**The Kindness Bus Tour resumes its daily journey and blog on January 6th 2010